All contestants must follow the below Cosplay Competition Rules and Codes of Conduct listed in the Convention Policies.
- You must be registered for the contest before the contest begins and be a Vanhoover 2025 badge holding attendee in order to compete. Each member of your group must have a badge.
- If the costume you are wearing has won a major award before at any other cosplay competition, you are not eligible for any awards for that costume in this contest. Award-winning Costumes can come on stage to exhibit only.
- We adhere to the “Family Friendly” G-rated rule when it comes to attire, language, and hand gestures. (See also Vanhoover’s General Cosplay Guidelines)
- During the contest, enter and exit the stage at the designated points only. Costumes must be handled by the contestant or by handlers the contestant brings to help. Handlers are required to be registered attendees of the convention, and we cannot provide on-stage assistants. You are liable for your own safety and the safety of others. All participants are to keep at least one foot on the stage at all times.
- Contestants are not allowed to throw anything off the stage, use projectiles, or use anything on stage that will leave a mess. This includes (but is not limited to) liquids, glitter, and confetti.
- Pyrotechnics, fire, explosive devices, live animals, or similar special effects cannot be used during the competition; this includes smoke/fog machines and flash paper/powder.
- All prop weapons must conform to the Vanhoover General Policies, including being checked.
- Each contestant may only enter one costume into the competition and can be in only one Division.
- All contestants and participants must be in Mane Events 15 minutes BEFORE contest start time with completed contest registration form in hand. (Obtain from con Registration desk)
- Youth must have a parent or legal guardian present in accordance with Vanhoover General Policies.
- A person wearing a costume made, designed, and built entirely by someone else should credit the maker, who must be present. Otherwise, the costume may be entered as an exhibition (out-of-competition) piece for the Showcase portion.
- Competition Organizers, Judges, and Participants will adhere to the ICG Guidelines for Fair Competition and Judging Standards
YOUTH: This level is for contestants 17 years old and under. Prizes are awarded for 1st in this category. Contestants in this category should have assisted with their costume build in some way and can only be eligible for 1st place if they assisted with more than 50 percent of the costume build. A child wearing a costume designed and built entirely by an adult should be entered either in the adult’s appropriate skill division or entered as an exhibition (out of competition) piece. Only Contestants who have made more than 80 percent of their costume are eligible for Best in Show.
ASSEMBLED: This category is for contestants who have not made their costumes or did not embellish or adjust their costumes or props in any significant way as to be considered into one of the other categories. These are often referred to as “closet cosplays” and are put together by gathering pre-made components into a cosplay. Contestants in Assembled are eligible for the Best Assembled Award. Youth and Novice both have additional opportunities for assembled pieces to be considered for prizes.
BEGINNER: This level is for adults who have never been in a cosplay competition before and/or do not have a lot of experience costuming and/or have made less than 50 percent of their costume. Beginner may be awarded 1st in this category. Only Contestants who have made more than 80 percent of their costume are eligible for Best in Show.
ADVANCED: This level is for adults who have won 1st in a previous beginner or novice category and/or are considered to have experience as a cosplay maker. Advanceds may be awarded 1st in this category and are only eligible for 1st place in this category if they have made more than 80 percent of their costume. Only Contestants who have made more than 80 percent of their costume are eligible for Best in Show.
All above categories are eligible for Judges Choice Awards.
According to the ICG (International Costumer Guild) guidelines, “It is unreasonable for somebody who is new to cosplaying to compete against cosplayers with years of masquerading experience. The division system is not intended to provide recognition, the awards themselves do that. It exists merely to promote fairness.”
A professional cosplayer is a competitor who does costume design, makeup, or FX for a living. Although professionals are typically excluded from competing with non-professionals, we encourage them to participate as exhibitors.
Any person in cosplay is welcome as an exhibit-only participant, to showcase their costumes on stage without judging or ranking. If your costume was made by someone other than yourself, please give credit to the designer on the registration form.
When SCORING, judges will pay close attention to:
– The quality, stitching, and finish of the fabric
– The choice of structural materials such as foam, worbla, wood, or cardboard and the way they were treated
– The detail put into crafting the decorations and trimmings
– The overall techniques used and the originality of ideas applied in the costume
– The quality of the wigs & wig-styling
– Props, customized shoes and makeup
– The effort that was put into collecting the appropriate parts and pieces
– Character portrayal
All awards are final, except for those who are found to have been cheating. Any claims of Sandbagging brought to the staff’s attention will be investigated to determine if an award should be revoked. Displays of poor sportsmanship may result in disqualification and/or barring from future Vanhoover contests. Harassment of judges or staff, or any conduct that violates the Vanhoover Convention policies may result in disqualification and barring from future Vanhoover Cosplay contests.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Crackle’s Cousin Cosplay at [email protected]